The deadline to apply is extended until tomorrow - August 14, 2023. Get your one-page VA Form 21-0966 - Intent to File submitted by tomorrow which gives you one year to complete your claim. You can fax this completed form to Intake in Janesville, Wisconsin at 1-844-531-7818.
Because of the Biden Administration, military veterans are eligible for expanded Veteran Administration/Department of Defense recognition for a broader range of disabilities and presumption of service connection under the PACT Act. By a presumption of service connection for qualifying conditions, and time- frame of exposure it relieves much of the burden of proof on the veteran claimant. It means that once you prove you were in one of the areas of war-conflict that is covered, the condition you suffer is already determined to be service-connected.
During the year to develop your claim, for example, exposure to Agent Orange is a presumption for Vietnam War-era veterans diagnosed with and treated for Diabetes mellitus. If you are taking more than one- daily injection of insulin, have a restricted diet, or is recommended while needing to regulate activities to manage hypoglycemic episodes that require hospitalization or regular visitation to a diabetic care professional, plus progressive loss of weight and strength (clear loss of muscle mass) can result in a rating of 100%.
As part of a fully developed claim, I recommend you prepare an Affidavit of Personal Knowledge to describe the relevant symptoms (and progress of the disease in real time) and facts about your location of duty service to explain your CLAIM. It is a fact that medical examiners - either providers within the V.A. or private medical doctors can not dispute non-medical facts. Under federal law 38 U.S.C. Section 5107 (b), states that all information, and LAY and medical evidence of record shall be considered by the Regional Director/Secretary of the Veteran's Administration. I recommend that you present this Affidavit at the time of a primary care doctor's visit and encourage the doctor to make the finding that based on your facts, the diabetes, for example could only have occurred because of your military service. If you have been treated for Diabetes under Veterans Administration health care system then the presentation of the Affidavit of Personal Knowledge is an exceptional tool, since the treatment of a covered disease under the PACT Act already has a presumption the disease diagnosed is service-connected and should result in a favorable decision.
The key is to present a fully developed claim, and leave nothing to chance. If you need assistance, or advice on how to present your claim, then you can seek my coaching service that will help you, help yourself better. I am an accredited attorney by the Veteran's Administration. Request your consultation under Services page <look up and use the menu option under "MORE">